Thursday, December 3, 2009

Home at last!

We arrived home this afternoon around 4:00pm. we spent the day in a tiny room off the hospital nursery sitting in chairs (while Jewel was on the big tanning bed). feeding the baby and waiting, waiting, waiting... boy are we exhausted. It has been a long 4 days at Winnie Palmer, but it was worth it having Jewel home now and healthy.
Her jaundice is getting much better and she is now on the billy blanket until blood work will show it all gone. we are looking forward to getting some sleep tonight. I have enjoyed seeing my other baby this evening and snuggling him on our bed. I have missed Cole and he missed me. it is nice to be home as a family again. Cole has done well, but it was hard on him with all the Chaos. He is a trooper and was thrilled that baby Jewel and momma came home today. He immediatly wanted me to put Jewel in her pink bed. and then requested to get in it with her. Which of course I denied. But he was so cute.
He has collected all the name badge stickers (Jeff , Nana, Papa, momma, Cole) throughout the week and stuck them on the wall in the hall right next to Jewel's door. He told Jeff they were from the hospital were sissy was and he was putting them by her room.
he is so sweet and responding well to her and the changes. he is going to be a great big brother!